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Infinity Filings | Companies | Income Tax | Startup | Businesses Setup | Entreprenuers


Easily Register a Charge on Company
Infinity Filings offers services for ₹ 4,899/-

Charge on Company

A charge is a right created by any person including a company on its assets and properties, present and future, in favour of a financial institution or a bank which has agreed to extend financial assistance. Section 2(16) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines charges so as to mean an interest or lien created on the property or assets of a company or any of its undertakings or both as security and includes a mortgage

A charge created by a company is required to be registered with the Registrar within thirty days of its creation. The company shall give intimation to the Registrar of the payment or satisfaction in full of any charge within a period of thirty days from the date of such payment or satisfaction.

Essential features

1. There should be two parties to the transaction, the creator of the charge and the charge holder.

2. The subject-matter of charge, which may be current or future assets and other properties of the borrower.

3. The intention of the borrower to offer one or more of its specific assets or properties as security for repayment of the borrowed money together with payment of interest at the agreed rate should be manifested by an agreement entered into by him in favour of the lender, written or otherwise.

4. A charge may be fixed or floating depending upon its nature.



Infinity Filings can help you create a charge within 2-5 business days.


Our Executive shall get in touch with you and share all the required documents for drafting of application.


Application shall be drafted and will be submitted to the ROC for Charge Registration along with supporting documents and fees.


ROC shall issue a Certificate Stating the Charge has been Registered.


  • Basic 1
  • 4,899
    per include
  • Creation of Charge
  • Consultancy & Legal Assistance
  • Drafting of Documents for Submission
  • Government Fees
  • Basic 2
  • 4699
    per include
  • Satisfaction of Charge
  • Consultancy & Legal Assistance
  • Drafting of documents for submission
  • Government Fees

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